V Invert the sense of matching that is, select lines that don't match the search criteria. v将匹配意义进行逆反即选择那些不匹配搜索条件的行。
Select all lines, duplicate it and place it to the right. 选择所有行,它并把它复制到正确的。
Larger keyboards require more select or sense lines. 键盘越大,需要的选择线或检出线越多。
Select a location accessible to water lines and power supply where the floor is level. 选择靠近水管和电源的水平地面放置热水器。
Select the following lines shown highlighted in the following example, and then click Copy on the edit menu to copy this content to the clipboard for later use. 选择下面示例中突出显示的行,然后单击“编辑”菜单上的“复制”,以将此内容复制到剪贴板以便以后使用。
Select all the lines and apply the leaf brush you just created. 选取所有线条并把刚才造好的叶子笔刷应用在其上。
The Multi-coin slot machines automatically select all3 lines regardless of how many coins you choose to bet. 不管您下注的硬币是多少,多道式老虎机会自动选择3道。
Puromycin is used in cell biology to select mammalian cell lines that have been transformed by vectors that express puromycin-N-acetyl-transferase. 在细胞生物学中用嘌罗霉素来选择用载体转化能表达嘌呤霉素-N-乙酰基转移酶类的哺乳动物细胞系。
To display or hide vertical lines between unit labels, select or clear the tick lines check box. 要显示或隐藏单位标签之间的竖线,请选中或清除“刻度线”复选框。
Select the lines that you want to run. To edit a line, click it, and then click Edit. 请选择要运行的命令行。要编辑命令行,请单击它,然后单击编辑。
On the Drawing toolbar and select a style, or click more lines, and then select the options that you want. 按钮并选择一个线型,或单击“其他线条”,然后选择所需选项。
Using the line numbering display in the gutter margin, you can select an entire line, a block of lines, or all the lines. 使用显示在装订线页边空白的行号,你可以选择整行,一批行,或所有行。
Select the lines of code in the snippet that you want to delete. 选择要删除的代码段中的代码行。
Methods To select the compensatory phase cirrhosis group, the lose compensatory phase group as researching groups, and normal body's cross section CT imaging as comparing group, and to select lines which often use in the anatomy as measuring criterion lines; 方法选择肝硬化代偿期组、失代偿期组作为疾病组,选择健康人作为对照组进行对比研究,利用人体常用解剖轴线作为肝脏测量的基准线。
Optimum select of lines of operation in the large area air defence operation 大区域防空作战条件下防空兵作战方案的优选
How to select this family of lines is an important problem in flatness measurement. 如何选择这一族直线是平面度测量中的一个重要问题。
Using a wide-compatibly WA sterile line as female parent to select japonica WCR lines with CMS cytoplasm. 以WA型广亲和不育系为母本,筛选同质广亲和恢复系;
Selecting in different sunshine conditions helped to select pea lines insensitive to sunlight. 在不同日照条件下选择,有利于选育光照反应不敏感的豌豆品系。
The way to solve this problem in breeding is to use the hard endosperm modifier ( gene) and to select hard or semi-hard O2 inbred lines with higher kernel volume weight. 育种上解决的途径是利用硬胚乳修饰基因选育子粒容重较高的硬胚乳或半硬胚乳O2自交系。
So, it is hard for breeders to select effective yellow rapeseed lines due to the scarcity of yellow-seeded gene resources. 控制黄色籽粒基因遗传资源的缺乏是甘蓝型黄籽油菜育种的主要障碍,发掘新的黄籽遗传资源势在必行。
Methods: MTT assay and LDH leakage were used to select sensitive tumor cell lines and to determine inhibitory effects of crotoxin after various inhibitors were added. 方法:采用MTT法筛选敏感瘤株,结合LDH漏出率检测不同抑制剂对crotoxin抑瘤作用的影响;
Optimum select of lines of operation in the large area air defense based on hybrid judgment matrix 基于混合判断矩阵优选大区域防空作战方案
Adding generation during the winter helped to select cold resistant pea lines. 冬季加代进行抗寒性的鉴定,有利于选育抗寒性强的豌豆新品系。
Objective The toxicities of microcystin-LR on primary rat hepatocytes and 8 continuous cell lines were investigated to compare their sensitivity to the toxin and to select the appropriate cell lines as models for further study. 目的比较微囊藻毒素-LR对原代肝细胞和多种传代细胞株的毒性,探讨建立经济、简便的研究该毒素细胞模型的可能性。
The genetic potential approximated to 1, so it is possible to select inbred lines which have higher kernel oil ratio from inbred progeny. 因此,从自交后代中选出高含油率的自交系是有可能的。
We use the weighted Hough transform to extract the candidate lines, and then use the space constraint conditions to select lines. 为了使得提取的结果更为准确,本文采用基于加权的Hough变换方法求得多条候选行道线,然后基于空间约束的条件进行行道线的选取,构造评价函数完成最终左右行道线的检测。
This article studies how to select excellent inbred lines in high density on three aspects. 本文从三个方面对高密度选择压力下玉米自交系选育方法进行了研究。
While mooring line directly affect the performance of mooring system reliability, to reasonably select and design the lines has become the focus of the Spar platform mooring system design. 锚泊线的性能直接影响到锚泊系统的可靠性,因此它的合理选择及设计成为Spar平台锚泊系统设计的重点。